Library Info
Page history
last edited
by michele.mosco@... 5 years, 1 month ago
Hours: |
7:10 - 3:20 PM Except when school releases early |
General Policies: |
- Students need a pass from their teacher to visit the library during classtime-one student at a time.
- Students must scan their ID upon entering and leaving the library.
- Students may use the library without a pass before school, after school, and during lunch periods.
- Students with a release period may use the library after checking in at the desk.
- Students are expected to follow the Acceptable Use Policy
- All Westview High School rules are in effect in the library before, after, and during school hours.
- Using a cell phone for messaging or Internet use is acceptable except while a student is in class.
- Please respect the rights of others to read, research, and study.
- Students on release period who are not using the library for reading, researching, and studying must leave the library.
Circulation Policies: |
- Students must have a school ID in order to use the library.
- Three books/magazines may be checked out provided that a student does not have any overdue books or fines.
- The check-out period is fifteen days.
- Books may be renewed if there are no holds on the item.
- Students will be charged for lost or damaged books.
- After a book is 20 days late, the student is charged for the replacement cost of the book. Please return books on time.
- Holds may be placed on desired materials.
- E-books may be checked out by students regardless of any other books or fines.
- Copying from reference books is complimentary within reasonable limits.
- Students can use the library computers for schoolwork only.
- This is a privilege that can be revoked on an individual basis at any time.
- All computer use is monitored by library staff.
Library Info
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